March 14, 2013

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a website where anybody can go to learn all kinds of stuff, from history to mathematics. It's 100% free, and you don't even need an account.

My favorite thing about Khan Academy is the computer science module; you can write, save, and share computer programs, all on the site. I've been writing programs on Khan Academy for almost 6 months now, and still enjoy it as much as when I first started.

Here's the address: Take a look, and see what you think.


  1. Really Cool! do you have a profile?

  2. How do you get the programs into this page?

    1. It's called "embedding".
      The first time I embedded a program in my blog, I found the program on Khan Academy and clicked "Share". Then I copied the HTML, and pasted it where I wanted it on my blog. Then I edited it until it did what I wanted.
      Now Khan Academy has a bug: when you click "Share", you get bad HTML that doesn't work. So I have to find the HTML I used before that happened, and then copy-paste.

    2. Wait, so now what can you do? Is it possible to get around the bad code?

    3. You have to find some good code, and use it instead. If you want I can give you the good code.
