June 24, 2013

Fix Your Window

Click to try out the program!
In my original Smash It! program, I had a message that said, "Want me to fix it? Ask in Tips & Feedback!" I didn't want it to automatically fix itself, because that wouldn't be true to life. When you break a window, you live with the consequences.

Well, a lot of users wanted me to fix the window. One of the users figured out how to fix it himself, and started telling everybody how to do it. I didn't like that; it totally ruined the point of my program. Fixing a window shouldn't be easy. So I modified my code, and his solution was outdated.

He found a new method for fixing the windows. At first he didn't want to tell me about it, for fear I would circumvent, but finally he decided I wouldn't be able to. Laughing with pleasure, he wrote a fix-it program that used the method to fix windows, and started telling everybody about it.

I didn't like that. So I came up with a way to make his program stop working. I set things up using HTML5 storage so that his program worked great... for him, at least. For everybody else, it was useless. He didn't think of fixing it, because whenever he tested it, it worked. In fact, he happily talked about how good he was at programming. I just played along; ignorance is bliss.

I told him about it the next day. It's no fun to fool someone if they never know they were fooled.

Anyway, other users were writing fix-it programs, too. I decided it was time for me to write a decent one - a fix-it program that was guarantied to work. I didn't want it to ruin the point of my original program, so I created some virtual money; you could pay 30 virtual dollars to fix the window. My program made it to the top of the hot list; it was as popular as the original program.

June 23, 2013

Smash It!

Click to start

This was a very popular program I wrote. It makes use of HTML5 storage to remember whether the window is broken. Try clicking on things, and see what happens!

June 14, 2013

Streaks Special Effect

Click to start

Here's a program I wrote recently. It converts an image into an image with streaks. It is not an interactive program; you can only watch it.

June 4, 2013

Sparking Ball

Here's a program I wrote about a week ago, for the graphics. It isn't a game, and it isn't a tool; it just looks cool. At least, I hope it does.

UPDATE: I modified the program so you can click for another ball.

If a little green guy pops up and complains about something, click restart.